朱晨玉 / ZHU Chenyu








长期从事古气候模拟和海洋中深层环流的相关研究工作,取得了一系列研究成果。作为主要成员参与全球第一个末次冰期最盛期(LGM)以来气候-同位素瞬变模拟试验,负责地球轨道要素和冰川强迫下的数值模拟研究;发现气候模式中普遍存在南极中层水模拟偏差,为改进模式中大西洋经向翻转环流(AMOC)的稳定性提供新思路;国际上首次在北大西洋之外发现历史时期AMOC变化的代用指标,为人类活动影响下AMOC的减弱提供了新证据。相关研究结果发表在Nature Climate Change、Science Advance、Climate Dynamics、Geophysical Research Letters等国际顶级期刊。参与国家自然科学基金重点项目2项,科技部国家重点研发计划1项。


1. Wen, Q.*, Zhu, C., Han, Z., Liu, Z., & Yang, H.* (2021). Can the topography of Tibetan Plateau affect the Antarctic bottom water? Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092448. 

2. Zhu, C. and Liu, Z.* (2020). Weakening Atlantic overturning circulation causes South Atlantic salinity pile-up. Nature Climate Change, 2020, 10: 998-1003.

3. He, C., Liu, Z.*, Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E. C., Zhu, C., Tomas, R., Clark, P. U., Zhu, J., Jahn, A., Gu, S., Zhang, J., Nusbaumer, J., Noone, D., Cheng, H., Wang, Y., Yan, M. & Bao, Y. (2021). Hydroclimate footprint of pan-Asian monsoon water isotope during the last deglaciation. Science Advance, 7(4): eabe2611.

4. Zhu, C.*, Liu, Z. & Gu, S. (2018). Model bias for South Atlantic Antarctic intermediate water in CMIP5. Climate Dynamics, 50: 3613-3624

5. He, C.*, Liu, Z.*, Zhu, J., Zhang, J., Gu, S., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Brady, E., Zhu, C., Jin, Y. & Sun, J. (2020). North Atlantic subsurface temperature response controlled by effective freshwater input in“Heinrich”events. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 539: 116247.


  山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室 邮编:266100

  Email: zhuchenyu@ouc.edu.cn