

  4月19日,物理海洋教育部重点实验室(以下简称实验室)主任吴立新院士的研究团队在国际知名学术期刊Geophysical Research Letters发表的题为《基于漂流浮标的全球风输入近惯性能量估计》(Wind Power on Oceanic Near-Inertial Oscillations in the Global Ocean Estimated From Surface Drifters)的研究成果被美国地球物理联合会(AGU)评选为研究亮点。AGU新闻发布网站Earth & Space Science News对该工作进行了报道。上述研究成果由实验室在读博士生刘永正为第一作者,实验室成员荆钊教授、吴立新院士为合著者共同完成。


  实验室该亮点工作首次依靠观测结果对全球风生近惯性能量进行了估计。研究基于全球漂流浮标获得的流场数据和卫星获取的风场数据,计算出全球风生近惯性能量的气候平均态为0.3-0.6 TW,能量输入集中在中纬度海域(30°-60°),并在风暴活动剧烈的季节达到最强。





Title: Wind Power on Oceanic Near-inertial Oscillations in the Global Ocean Estimated from Surface Drifters

Authors: LIU Y. -Z., Z. Jing, and L. -X. Wu

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2647-2653. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2018GL081712.

Abstract: Wind power on oceanic near-inertial oscillations is thought to play an important role in furnishing the diapycnal mixing in the ocean. Yet their global distribution and magnitude have not been quantified based on observations. In this study, we use hourly ocean current records derived from surface drifters to compute the global near‐inertial wind power during 1993–2016, with a combination of surface wind measurements obtained from satellites. The climatological near‐inertial wind power integrated between 60°S and 60°N is estimated to be 0.3–0.6 TW. The strongest energy flux occurs in the 30–60° latitude band during the winter season as a result of energetic storm activities. Ocean current imprint on wind stress has a significant impact on the estimated global near‐inertial wind power from drifters. Neglecting this imprint overestimates the near‐inertial wind power locally by 25–120% and its global mean value by 60%.