




Abstract: Based on CERES cloud cover, radiation data and ERA-Interim reanalysis data from 2000-2017 period, obvious interannual variations of spring cloud cover are found in the top two modes by multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MV-EOF) decomposition. The significant signal is located in the Greenland Sea-Barents Sea in the Atlantic sector with negative low cloud anomaly and positive high cloud anomaly in first mode. Cloud radiative cooling effect is generated and offsets warming effect of Arctic amplification, so surface temperature has no evident change. The cloud cover in the Kara sea-Laptev sea of the Pacific sector and the center of the Arctic Ocean increases uniformly. The significance signal of the second mode is located over the Arctic Ocean except the Greenland Sea-Barents Sea with positive low cloud anomaly and negative high cloud anomaly, but high cloud change is not obvious. Such cloud cover change can produce strong cloud longwave radiative heating effect and enhance the sea ice-albedo positive feedback and arctic amplification feedback.