杨俊超 / YANG Junchao

长期从事大尺度海气相互作用及气候预测的研究,重点关注大西洋—太平洋跨洋盆作用,主要发现如下。1)揭示了1980s到2010s冬季热带东太平洋海温和北半球陆地温度在年代际尺度上的随机同步作用,进而解释了相继发生的全球变暖加速和减缓事件独特的季节性,强调了预测热带太平洋变化的重要性,相关成果以第一作者身份发表在国际顶尖期刊Nature Climate Change上(Yang et al., 2020),并被IPCC AR6报告引用。2)运用线性反演模型(linear inverse model),揭示了大西洋多年代际振荡是领先太平洋年代际振荡十多年的预测因子(Yang et al., 2021a);并进一步证明热带北大西洋跨洋盆作用对热带太平洋多年预测有重要贡献,而这一跨洋盆作用的模拟误差导致模式中热带太平洋多年预测水平的模拟误差(Yang et al., 2022);发现北大西洋对北太平洋年代际预测的贡献强于以往关注的热带太平洋贡献(Lv et al., 2022),但模式模拟存在显著误差(Lv et al., 2023)。3)揭示了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动和大西洋尼诺组成的跷跷板型海温异常主导跨中美洲低对流层风和跨洋盆水汽输送的年际变化,揭示其锁相于北半球夏季的原因(Yang et al., 2017; 2021b)。
担任Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Climate等期刊审稿人,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项。
14. Lv, Z., J. -C. Yang*, Y. Zhang, and X. Lin, 2023: Model-dependent Atlantic Multidecadal Variability modulations on North Pacific sea surface temperature variability and decadal prediction. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104278.
13. Shu, Q., Y. Zhang*, D. J. Amaya, S. M. Larson, Y. Kosaka, J.-C. Yang, and X. Lin, 2023: Role of ocean advections during the evolution of the Pacific Meridional Modes. Journal of Climate, 36, 4327-4343.
12. Yang, J.-C.*, Z. Lv, I. Richter, Y. Zhang, and X. Lin, 2022: Inter-model spread of north tropical Atlantic trans-basin effect substantially biases tropical Pacific sea surface temperature multiyear prediction. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098620.
11. Lv, Z., J.-C. Yang*, X. Lin, and Y. Zhang, 2022: Stronger North Atlantic than tropical Pacific effects on North Pacific decadal prediction. Journal of Climate, 35, 5773-5785.
10. Zhang, Y.*, S.-Y. Yu, S.-P. Xie, D. J. Amaya, Q. Peng, Y. Kosaka, X. Lin*, J.-C. Yang, S. M. Larson, A. J. Miller, and L. Fan, 2022: Role of ocean dynamics in equatorial Pacific decadal variability. Climate Dynamics, 59, 2517-2529.
9. Zhang, Y.*, S.-Y. Yu, D. J. Amaya, Y. Kosaka, M. F. Stuecker, J.-C. Yang, X. Lin*, and L. Fan, 2022: Atmospheric forcing of the Pacific Meridional Mode: Tropical Pacific-driven versus internal variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098148.
8. Yang, J.-C.*, Y. Zhang, X. Lin*, and P. Chang, 2021a: Optimal growth of IPV lags AMV modulations by up to a decade. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096654.
7. Liu, Y., Z. Li*, X. Lin, and J.-C. Yang, 2021: Enhanced Eastern Pacific ENSO‐Tropical North Atlantic Connection Under Greenhouse Warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095332.
6. Zhang, Y., S. Yu*, D. J. Amaya, Y. Kosaka, S. M. Larson, X. Wang, J.-C. Yang, M. F. Stuecker, S.-P. Xie, A. J. Miller, and X. Lin, 2021: Pacific Meridional Modes without equatorial Pacific influence. Journal of Climate, 34, 5285-5301.
5. Yang, J.-C., Y. Zhang, I. Richter, and X. Lin*, 2021b: Interannual variability of tropical Atlantic-to-Pacific moisture transport linked to ENSO, Atlantic Niño, and the freshwater budget in the northwestern tropical Atlantic. Journal of Climate, 34, 4625-4641.
4. Liu, Y., Z. Li*, W. Cai, X. Lin, and J.-C. Yang, 2021: Weakened ENSO‐Ningaloo Niño/Niña Teleconnection Under Greenhouse Warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091326.
3. Yang, J.-C., X. Lin*, S.-P. Xie, Y. Zhang, Y. Kosaka, and Z. Li, 2020: Synchronized tropical Pacific and extratropical variability during the past three decades. Nature Climate Change, 10, 422-427.
2. Zhang, Y.*, S.-P. Xie, Y. Kosaka, and J.-C. Yang, 2018: Pacific Decadal Oscillation: Tropical Pacific forcing versus internal variability. Journal of Climate, 31, 8265-8279.
1. Yang, J.-C., X. Lin*, and S.-P. Xie, 2017: A Transbasin Mode of Interannual Variability of the Central American Gap Winds: Seasonality and Large-Scale Forcing. Journal of Climate, 30, 8223-8235.山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室 邮编:266100
Email: yangjunchao@ouc.edu.cn