管长龙 / GUAN Changlong
1. Liu, Q., A. V. Babanin, S. Zieger, I. R. Young, C. Guan, 2016: Wind and wave climate in the Arctic Ocean as observed by altimeters. J. Clim., 29(11), 7957-7975, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0219.1
2. Liu, Q., A. V. Babanin, C. Guan*, S. Zieger, J. Sun, and Y. Jia, 2016. Calibration and validation of HY-2 altimeter wave height. J. Amos. Ocean. Technol., 33(5), 919-936, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0219.1
3. Wang, W., P. Forget, and C. Guan, 2016: Inversion and assessment of swell waveheights from HF radar spectra in the Iroise Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 66, DOI 10.1007/s10236-016-0941-3
4. Liu, B., C. Guan*, L. Xie, and D. Zhao, 2015. Derivation of a wave-state-dependent sea spray generation function and its application in estimating sea spray heat flux. Science China: Earth Sciences, 58, 1862-1871, doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5169-4
5. Wang, W., P. Forget, and C. Guan, 2014. Inversion of swell frequency from a 1-year HF radar dataset collected in Brittany (France). Ocean Dynamics, 64(10), 1447-1456. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0759-9
6. Shao, W., X. Li, S. Lehner, and C. Guan, 2014. Development of TerraSAR-X Polarization Ratio Model for sea surface wind field retrieval. Int.J.Remote Sens., 35(11-12), 4046-4063, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.916059
7. 管长龙, 张文清, 朱冬琳, 魏来, 2014.上层海洋中浪致混合研究评述——研究进展及存在问题. 中国海洋大学学报, 44(10), 20-24
8. Li, R., L. Xie, B. Liu, and C. Guan, 2013. On the sensitivity of hurricane storm surge simulation to domain size. Ocean Model., 67: 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.03.005
9. Liu, B., C. Guan*, and L. Xie, 2012. The wave state and sea spray related parameterization of wind stress applicable from low to extreme winds. J.Geophys.Res., 117, C00J22, doi: 10.1029/2011JC007786
10. Liu, B., C. Guan*, L. Xie, and D. Zhao, 2012. Investigating the effects of wave state and sea spray on an idealized typhoon using an air-sea coupled modeling system. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29(2), 391-406
11. Liu, B., H. Liu, L. Xie, C. Guan, and D. Zhao, 2011. A coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean modeling system: Simulation of the intensity of an idealized tropical cyclone. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 132-152
12. Yu, T., G. Han, C. Guan, and Z. Deng, 2010. Several important issues in salinity quality control of Argo float. Marine Geodesy, 33, 424-36
13. Xie, L., B. Liu, H. Liu, and C. Guan, 2009. Numerical simulation of tropical cyclone intensity using an air-sea-wave coupled prediction system. Adv. Geosci., 18(OS), 19-43
14. Liu, B., K. Wu, and C. Guan*, 2007. Global estimates of wind energy input to subinertial motions in the Ekman-Stokes layer. J. Oceanogr., 63(3), 457-466
15. Guan, C., W. Hu, J. Sun and R. Li, 2007. The whitecap coverage model from breaking dissipation parametrizations of wind waves. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C05031, doi:10.1029/2006JC003714
16. Guan, C. and L. Xie, 2004. On the linear parameterization of drag coefficient over sea surface. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 34(12), 2847-2851
17. Guan, C. and J. Sun, 2004. Similarities of some wind input and dissipation source terms. China Ocean Engineering, 18(4), 629-642
18. Guan, C. and Q. Sun, 2002. Analytically derived wind wave growth relations. China Ocean Engineering, 16(3), 359-368
19. Luo, Y., C. Guan and D. Wu, 2002. An eta-coordinate version of the Princeton Ocean Model. J. Oceanogr., 58(4), 589-597
20. 管长龙, 2000. 我国海浪理论及预报研究的回顾与展望. 青岛海洋大学学报, 30(4), 549-556
21. Guan, C., V. Rey, and P. Forget, 1999. Improvement of the WAM wave model and its application to the Rhone River Mouth area. J. Coast. Res.,15(4): 966-973
22. Zhang, S., F. Sun, and C. Guan, 1999. On the joint distribution of surface slopes for the fourth order nonlinear random sea waves. Science in China, Ser. E, 42(5), 449-455
23. Guan, C., 1998. The statistical distribution of the horizontal velocities of water particles at wave surface maxima. China Ocean Engineering,12(3), 359-364
24. Guan, C. and F. Sun, 1997. Statistical distribution of surface elevation for the fourth order nonlinear random sea waves. Science in China, Ser. D,40(6), 605-612
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