Ocean Eddy Energetics in the Spectral Space as Revealed by High-Resolution General Circulation Models


Title: Ocean Eddy Energetics in the Spectral Space as Revealed by High-Resolution General Circulation Models

Journal: Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49: 2815-2827

Authors: WANG S. -P., Z. Jing*, Q. -Y. Zhang, P. Chang, Z. -H. Chen, H. -L. Liu, and L. -X. Wu

Abstract: In this study, the global eddy kinetic energy (EKE) budget in horizontal wavenumber space is analyzed based on 1/108 ocean general circulation model simulations. In both the tropical and midlatitude regions, the barotropic energy conversion from background flow to eddies is positive throughout the wavenumber space and generally peaks at the scale (Le) where EKE reaches its maximum. The baroclinic energy conversion is more pronounced at midlatitudes. It exhibits a dipolar structure with positive and negative values at scales smaller and larger than Le, respectively. Surface wind power on geostrophic flow results in a significant EKE loss around Le but deposits energy at larger scales. The interior viscous dissipation and bottom drag inferred from the pressure flux convergence act as EKE sink terms. The latter is most efficient at Le while the former is more dominant at smaller scales. There is an evident mismatch between EKE generation and dissipation in the spectral space especially at the midlatitudes. This is reconciled by a dominant forward energy cascade on the equator and a dominant inverse energy cascade at the midlatitudes.