Decelerated Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Driven by Positive Summer North Atlantic Oscillation


Title: Decelerated Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Driven by Positive Summer North Atlantic Oscillation.

Journal:Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 7633-7646.

Authors: RUAN R. -M., X. -Y. Chen*, J. Zhao, W. Perrie, R. Mottram, M. Zhang, Y. N. Diao, L. Du, and L. -X. Wu

Abstract: The abrupt deceleration of accelerated Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) melting since 2013, after a period of acceleration previously noted, is studied here. It is shown that the deceleration of GrIS melting since 2013 is due to the reduction in shortwave solar radiation in the presence of increasing total cloud cover, which is driven by a more persistent positive summer North Atlantic Oscillation on the decadal time scale. By presenting the coherence with the temperature variability at the weather stations in Greenland, which have centurylong records, we deduce that the acceleration of GrIS melting during the early 2000s and the subsequent deceleration since 2013 will reoccur frequently on decadal time scales, with the amplitude nearly half of the multidecadal warming trend of the GrIS melt. It can reduce the mass loss from the GrIS on short to medium time scales but is unlikely to halt mass loss related to climate change in the future. This finding highlights the importance of internal climate variability on the mass budget of the GrIS and therefore on predictions of future global sea level change and may help to assist planning for associated social and economic consequences.