An Assessment of Representation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy-Atmosphere Interaction in the Current Generation of General Circulation Models and Reanalyses


Title: An Assessment of Representation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy-Atmosphere Interaction in the Current Generation of General Circulation Models and Reanalyses.

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, 1-10, doi: 10.1029/2018GL080678.

Authors: YANG P. -R., Z. Jing*, and L. -X. Wu

Abstract: Oceanic mesoscale eddies interact strongly with the atmosphere, inducing heat flux that acts to dissipate the eddy potential energy. So far it remains unknown how well this oceanic mesoscale eddyatmosphere (OMEA) interaction is represented in the current generation of general circulation models. Here we evaluate the intensity of OMEA interaction in numerical models widely used by the community. It is found that the intensity of OMEA interaction differs significantly among models in its overall magnitude and spatial distribution. In eddyrich regions such as Kuroshio Extension and Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the intermodel difference can reach 40%. Surface wind strength and marine atmospheric boundary layer adjustment to mesoscale heat flux anomaly are two important factors accounting for the intermodel difference. Models with stronger surface wind tend to have higher OMEA interaction. Moreover, neglecting the marine atmospheric boundary layer adjustment, oceanalone model simulations overestimate OMEA interaction especially at middle and high latitudes by 20%–50%.