Nonlinear Meridional Moisture Advection and the ENSO-Southern China Rainfall Teleconnection


Title:Nonlinear Meridional Moisture Advection and the ENSO-Southern China Rainfall Teleconnection

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9): 4353-4360

Authors:WANG Q., W. -J. Cai, and L. -L. Zeng

Abstract: In the boreal cooler months of 2015, southern China (SC) experienced the largest rainfall since 1950, exceeding 4 times the standard deviation of SC rainfall. Although an El Niño typically induces a positive SC rainfall anomaly during these months, the unprecedented rainfall increase cannot be explained by the strong El Niño of 2015/2016, and the dynamics is unclear. Here we show that a nonlinear meridional moisture advection contributes substantially to the unprecedented rainfall increase. During cooler months of 2015, the meridional flow anomaly over the South China Sea region, which acts on an El Niñoinduced anomalous meridional moisture gradient, is particularly large and is supported by an anomalous zonal sea surface temperature gradient over the northwestern Pacific, which recorded its largest value in 2015 since 1950. Our study highlights, for the first time, the importance of the nonlinear process associated with the combined impact of a regional sea surface temperature gradient and largescale El Niño anomalies in forcing El Niño rainfall teleconnection.