A Potential Density Gradient Dependent Analysis Scheme for Ocean Multi-Scale Data Assimilation


Title: A Potential Density Gradient Dependent Analysis Scheme for Ocean Multi-Scale Data Assimilation

Journal: Advances in Meteorology, 2017,(2017-12-5), 2017, 2017:1-13

Authors: FU H. -L.*, J. -K. Yang, W. Li, X. -R. Wu, G. -J. Han, Y. -F. Xie, S. -Q. Zhang, X. -F. Zhang, Y. -Z. Cao and X. -S. Zhang

Abstract: This study addresses how to maintain oceanic mixing along potential density surface in ocean data assimilation (ODA). It is well known that the oceanic mixing across the potential density surface is much weaker than that along the potential density surface. However, traditional ODA schemes allow the mixing across the potential density surface and thus may result in extra assimilation errors. Here, a new ODA scheme that uses potential density gradient information of the model background to rescale observational adjustment is designed to improve the quality of assimilation. The new scheme has been tested using a regional ocean model within a multiscale 3-dimensional variational framework. Results show that the new scheme effectively prevents the excessive unphysical projection of observational information in the direction across potential density surface and thus improves assimilation quality greatly. Forecast experiments also show that the new scheme significantly improves the model forecast skills through providing more dynamically consistent initial conditions.