Temporal variability of diapycnal mixing in the northern South China Sea


Title: Temporal variability of diapycnal mixing in the northern South China Sea

Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,121, doi:10.1002/2016JC012044

Authors: SUN H., Q. -X. Yang*, W. Zhao, X. Liang, and J. -W. Tian

Abstract:Temporal variability of diapycnal mixing over 7 months in the northern South China Sea was examined based on McLane Moored Profiler observations from 850 to 2200 m by employing a finescale parameterization. Intensified diffusivity exceeding the order of 10-3 m2/s in magnitude was found over the first half of October 2014, and from 2 December 2014 to 21 January 2015 (a typical wintertime). Strong internal tides and winds in winter were the likely candidates for the high-level diapycnal mixing in winter. As for the enhanced mixing during October 2014, we suspect the generation of near-bottom near-inertial-waves through the interaction of mesoscale eddies and unique bottom topography was the cause.