A Modified Interpolation Method for Surface Total Nitrogen in the Bohai Sea


Title: A Modified Interpolation Method for Surface Total Nitrogen in the Bohai Sea

Journal: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33(7): 1509-1517

Authors: LIU Y. -Z., J. Yu, Y. -L. Shen, and X. -Q. Lv*

Abstract:A modified Cressman interpolation method (MCIM) is presented for the routine monitoring data of total nitrogen (TN) in the Bohai Sea to reduce interpolation errors by decreasing the influence radius and introducing background value. In twin experiments, two prescribed distributions are successfully estimated by MCIM with lower interpolation errors than the traditional Cressman interpolation method (TCIM) and the kriging method. In practical experiments, cross validation is applied to evaluate the interpolation results for four quarters in 2009 and 2010. Practical experimental results show that the interpolation results obtained with MCIM are greatly improved and can describe the spatial distribution characteristics of TN in the Bohai Sea with lower mean absolute error than the kriging method.