

628日,学术期刊《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications)在线发表了题为《中尺度地转变形场对海洋非地转运动与海表叶绿素的影响》(The influence of geostrophic strain on oceanic ageostrophic motion and surface chlorophyll)的研究成果。此项工作由物理海洋教育部重点实验室(以下简称实验室)副教授、青年教师张正光为第一作者,美国夏威夷大学裘波教授为通讯作者,以及其他合著者共同合作完成的。






About the article

Title: The Influence of Geostrophic Strain on Oceanic Ageostrophic Motion and Surface Chlorophyll

Authors: ZHANG Z. -G., B. Qiu, P. Klein, and S. Travis

Journal: Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10883-w

Abstract: Oceanic submesoscale ageostrophic processes have been progressively recognized as an important upwelling mechanism to close the nutrient budget and sustain the observed primary production of phytoplankton in the euphotic layer. Their relatively small spatiotemporal scales (of 1~10 km and a few days) have hindered a systematic observational quantification of the submesoscale ageostrophic flow variability and its impact on ocean biogeochemistry. By combining surface drifters, satellite altimetry and satellite ocean-color data, we detect that when the strain rate of mesoscale surface geostrophic flow is strong, it favors a higher ageostrophic kinetic energy level and an increase in surface chlorophyll concentration. The strain-induced frontal processes are characterized by a surface chlorophyll increase and secondary ageostrophic upwelling along the light side of the oceanic density front. Further analysis indicates that the balanced ageostrophic motions with longer time scales are more effective in inducing chlorophyll increase than the unbalanced shorter time-scale wave motions.

