Estimation of Annual Energy Output from BCM Tidal Barrage and the Corresponding Marine Environmental Impact

YU H. -M., L. Wang, L. Kuang*, H. -Q. Yu, Y. -C. Sun, Y. -H. Qu, and X. Wu
Journal of Ocean University of China, 15(2): 209-218

The Impact of Large-Scale Reclamation on Hydro-Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of Xinghua Bay

YU J., X.-W. Bao, D. Yang*, W. Zhang and L.-L. Zhou
Journal of Ocean University of China, doi: DOI 10.1007/s11802-016-2911-2

The influence of explicit tidal forcing in a climate ocean circulation model

YU Y., H. Liu* and J. Lan
Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(9): 42-50

Processes and mechanisms for the model SST biases in the North Atlantic and North Pacific: A link with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

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The shallow meridional overturning circulation in the South China Sea and the related internal water movement

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Seasonal and interannual variations of mixed layer salinity in the southeast tropical Indian Ocean

ZHANG N., M. Feng*, Y. Du, J. Lan, and S. E. Wijffels
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Changes in mixed layer depth and spring bloom in the Kuroshio Extension under global warming

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Effects of Precipitation on Sonic Anemometer Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes in the Atmospheric Surface Layer

ZHANG R.-W., J. Huang, X. Wang*, J. Zhang and F. Huang
Journal of Ocean University of China, 15 (3): 389-398

A Numerical Investigation of the Interannual-to-interpentadal Variability of the Along-shelf Transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight

ZHANG S.-W.*, Y. -Y. Luo, L. Rothstein, and K. Gao
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Rotating horizontal convection and the potential vorticity constraint

ZHANG Y.*, C. Chen, Z. -G. Zhang, and W. Wang
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Observed 3D Structure, Generation, and Dissipation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea

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Analysis of the global swell and wind sea energy distribution using WAVEWATCH III

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The southwest Indian Ocean thermocline dome in CMIP5 models: Historical simulation and future projection

ZHENG X. -T.*, L. -H. Gao, G. Li, and Y. Du
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33: 489-503