Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction and its Role in Eddy Energy Dissipation in the Kuroshio Extension

YANG H. -Y.*, P. Chang, B. Qiu, Q. -Y. Zhang, L. -X. Wu, Z. -H. Chen, and H. Wang
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Dissipation of Mesoscale Eddies and its Contribution to Mixing in the Northern South China Sea

YANG Q.-X.*, M. Nikurashin, H. Sasaki, H. Sun, and J. -W. Tian
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Variability in the Deep Overflow through the Heng-Chun Ridge of the Luzon Strait

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A Multi‐Timescale EnOI‐like High‐Efficiency Approximate Filter for Coupled Model Data Assimilation

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Surface Wave Simulation during Winter with Sea Ice in the Bohai Sea

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Subtropical Countercurrent Variations in Cooling Climates Induced by Freshwater Forcing over the Subarctic North Atlantic

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Quantifying the Non-Conservative Production of Potential Temperature over the Past 22000 Years

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Contributions of the Bering Strait Throughflow to Oceanic Meridional Heat Transport under Modern and Last Glacial Maximum Climate Conditions

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Effect of Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies on Extratropical Cyclogenesis: a Tracking Approach

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Variations in Atmospheric Perturbation Potential Energy Associated with the South China Sea Summer Monsoon

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The Relative Roles of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon and ENSO in the Indian Ocean Dipole Development

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The Influence of Geostrophic Strain on Oceanic Ageostrophic Motion and Surface Chlorophyll

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Elevated Diapycnal Mixing by a Subthermocline Eddy in the Western Equatorial Pacific

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Positive and Negative Feedbacks Related to the Arctic Oscillation Revealed by Air-Sea Heat Fluxes

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