
Yang, H. H. Guo, Z. Chen*, W. Cai, L. Wu, J. Cai, T. Geng, Z. Jing, B. Gan, X. Ma and Y. Wang, 2025: Onshore Intensification of Subtropical Western Boundary Currents in a Warming Climate. Nature Clima...
Zhang, R., S. Sun*, Z. Chen* and L. Wu, 2025: Limited influence of the Agulhas leakage on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under present-day climate conditions. Commun Earth Environ 6, ...
Wu, H., J. Li, Z. Chen and X. Ma, 2025: Observed surface wave variations in the background current field of the Kuroshio Extension, Ocean Dynamics, 75(14), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-024-01655-2.
Xie, M., J. Wang, L. Zhang and Z. Chen, 2025: Exceptional equatorial extension of extreme Indian Ocean dipole cooling: Shaping effect from strong El Niño. Geophysical Research Letters, 52, e2024GL1124...
Guo, H., Z. Chen*, R. Zhu and J. Cai, 2024: Increasing model resolution improves but overestimates global mid-depth circulation simulation. Scientific Reports, 14, 29356, https://doi.org/10.1038/s4159...
Zhang, C., Y. Wang, R. Bi, U. Sommer, G. Song, Z. Chen, F. Lin, J. Zhang and M. Zhao, 2024: C:N stoichiometry and the fate of organic carbon in ecosystems of the northwest Pacific Ocean. Progress in O...
Jiang, Y., G. Xu, F. Xu, J. Wang, L. Zhou, H. Zhang and Z. Chen, 2024: Distribution characteristics and dynamics of marine Hydrogen in the Eastern Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024...
Zhu, R., M. Li, H. Yang, X. Ma and Z. Chen, 2024: Oceanic eddy with submesoscale edge drives intense air-sea exchanges and beyond. Scientific Reports, 14, 25183, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-767...
Xie, X., Z. Wei, B. Wang, Z. Chen, M. Oltmanns and X. Song, 2024: Extreme air–sea turbulent fluxes during tropical cyclone Barijat observed by a newly designed drifting buoy, Fundamental Research, 4(5...
Ma, X., X. Zhang, L. Wu, Z. Tang, P. Yang, F. Song, Z. Jing, H. Chen, Y. Qu, M. Yuan, Z. Chen and B. Gan, 2024: Midlatitude mesoscale thermal Air-sea interaction enhanced by greenhouse warming. Nat Co...
Wang, F., W. Men, J. Huang, Z. Chen and L. Xu, 2024: Transport and fate of Fukushima-derived Cs and Cs in the seawater of the Northwest Pacific in 2015, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 3...
Wang, J., L. Xue, Q. Ma, F. Xu, G. Xu, S. Yan, J. Zhang, J. Li, H. Zhang, G. Zhang and Z. Chen, 2024: The role of oceanic ventilation and terrestrial outflow in atmospheric non-methane hydrocarbons ov...
Wang, J., T. Geng, W. Cai, G. Wang, M. Xie, L. Wu and Z. Chen, 2024: Diverse Responses of Strong Positive SST and Rainfall Indian Ocean Dipole Events under Greenhouse Warming, Journal of Climate, 37(1...
Zhang, Z., M. Miao, B. Qiu, J. Tian, Z. Jing, G. Chen, Z. Chen and W. Zhao, 2024: Submesoscale eddies detected by SWOT and moored observations in the northwestern Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters...
Wang, S., Z. Jing, L. Wu, S. Sun, Z. Chen, X. Ma and B. Gan, 2024: A more quiescent deep ocean under global warming. Nat. Clim. Chang., https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-024-02075-2.
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任国庆,马昕,魏兆强,陈朝晖,2024,发明专利:一种用于无人船实船测试的浮标装置,专利号:ZL 202310845714.1,已授权,授权公告日2024年4月16日
陈朝晖, 任翀, 刘增宏, 熊海霞, 张林林, 高志远,2024:我国深海Argo区域观测网成功完成“深海玄武”浮标首次批量布放,海洋学研究,42(1): 117-118.
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Cai, J., M. Li, H. Yang* and Z. Chen*, 2024: Role of Air-Sea Interaction in the Energy Balance of Anticyclonic and Cyclonic Eddies in the Kuroshio Extension, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1...
Cai, J., H. Yang, Z. Chen and L. Wu, 2024: The disappearing Antilles Current dominates the weakening meridional heat transport in the North Atlantic Ocean under global warming, Environmental Research ...
Zhu, R., H. Yang, M. Li, Z. Chen*, X. Ma*, J. Cai and L. Wu, 2024: Observations reveal vertical transport induced by submesoscale front. Scientific Reports, 14, 4407. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-02...
Gao, Z., Z. Chen*, X. Huang, H. Yang, Y. Wang, W. Ma and C. Luo, 2024: Estimating the Energy Flux of Internal Tides in the Northern South China Sea Using Underwater Gliders, Journal of Geophysical Res...
Xu, F., H. Zhang, X. Zhong, S. Yan, J. Zhang, G. Yang, X. Ma and Z. Chen, 2024: Revealing the Marine Cycles of Volatile Sulfur Compounds and Their Biogeochemical Controls: A Case of the Western North ...
Yang, H., Z. Gao, K. Ma, Z. Chen*, Y. Wang, Z. Jing, X. Ma and W. Niu, 2024: Submesoscale Variability on the Edge of Kuroshio-shed Eddy in the Northern South China Sea Observed by Underwater Gliders, ...
Guo, H. J. Cai, H. Yang and Z. Chen, 2024: Observations reveal onshore acceleration and offshore deceleration of the Kuroshio Current in the East China Sea over the past three decades, Environmental R...
Li, S., B. Wang, Z. Deng, B. Wu, X. Zhu and Z. Chen, 2024: Data Quality Control Method of a New Drifting Observation Technology Named Drifting Air-Sea Interface Buoy, J. Ocean Univ. China, 23(1), 11–2...
Zhu, R., H. Yang, Z. Chen*, Z. Jing, Z. Zhang, B. Sun and L. Wu, 2024: Topography-Generated Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region from High-Resolution Simulations, Jo...
Li, Z., Z. Jing, L. Wu, R. Johnson, Z. Yang, Z. Song, Z. Chen, B. Gan and X. Ma, 2023: Enhanced turbulent diapycnal mixing in the northern Sargasso Sea inferred from a finescale parameterization. Jour...
周学杭,张洪海,马昕,陈朝晖*,2023: 基于浮标观测的春季青岛近岸海水pCO2变化及通量研究,海洋学研究,41(3):14-21.
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Wang, J., H. Zhang*, D. Booge, Y. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Wu, J. Zhang and Z. Chen*, 2023: Isoprene production and its driving factors in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37, e2023G...
Zilberman, N., V. Thierry, B. King, M. Alford, X. André, K., Balem, N. Briggs, Z. Chen et al., 2023: Observing the full ocean volume using Deep Argo floats, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1287867. d...
Cai, J., H. Yang, B. Gan, H. Wang, Z. Chen and L. Wu, 2023: Evolution of Meridional Heat Transport by Subtropical Western Boundary Currents in a Warming Climate Predicted by High-Resolution Models, Jo...
Zhu, R., Y. Li, Z. Chen*, T. Du, Y. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. Jing, H. Yang, Z. Jing and L. Wu, 2023: Deep Learning Improves Reconstruction of Ocean Vertical Velocity, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL...
Guo, H., Z. Chen*, H. Yang, Y. Long, R. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Z. Jing and C. Yang, 2023: Estimating the Volume Transport of Kuroshio Extension based on Satellite Altimetry and Hydrographic Data, Journal of A...
Cheng, T., Z. Chen*, J. Li, Q. Xu and H. Yang, 2023: Characterizing the Effect of Ocean Surface Currents on ASCAT Winds Using Open-Ocean moored Buoy Data, Remote Sensing, 15, 4630. https://doi.org/10....
Zhang, Y. and Z. Chen*, 2023: Cool skin effect as seen from a new generation geostationary satellite Himawari-8, Remote Sensing, 15, 4408. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15184408.
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Yang, C., H. Yang, Z. Chen, B. Gan, Y. Liu and L. Wu, 2023: Seasonal variability of eddy characteristics and energetics in the Kuroshio Extension, Ocean Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-023-01...
Gan, B., J. Yu, L. Wu, G. Danabasoglu, R. Small, A. Baker, F. Jia, Z. Jing, X. Ma and Z. Chen, 2023: North Atlantic subtropical mode water formation controlled by Gulf Stream fronts, National Science ...
Wang, F., W. Men, J. Huang, Z. Chen and L. Xu, 2023: Distribution and transportation of Fukushima-derived radiocesiums in the seawater of the Northwest Pacific ocean in May 2013. Chemosphere, 336, 139...
Li, S., B. Wang, Z. Deng, C. Dang, Y. Li, D. Sun and Z. Chen, 2023: The role of sea spray in air-sea fluxes during Typhoon Molave: a study based on drifting buoy observations. Frontiers in Marine Scie...
Liu, Z., F. Chai, X. Xing, Z. Chen, L. Cheng, D. Chen and J. Xu, 2023: Perspectives for China Argo ocean observation network. The Innovation Geoscience, 1(1), 100012.
Wang, S., X. Ma, S. Zhou, L. Wu, H. Wang, Z. Tang, G. Xu, Z. Jing, Z. Chen and B. Gan, 2023: Extreme atmospheric rivers in a warming climate. Nature Communications, 14, 3219. https://doi.org/10.1038/s...
Li, X., J. Wang, H. Qiao, R. Zhu, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, A. Montgomery, S. Zheng and G. Zhuang, 2023: The distribution and emission of CO2, CH4 and light hydrocarbons in an anticyclonic eddy of the Kurosh...
Bian, C., Z. Jing, H. Wang, L. Wu, Z. Chen, B. Gan and H. Yang, 2023: Oceanic mesoscale eddies as crucial drivers of global marine heatwaves, Nature Communications, 14, 2970. https://doi.org/10.1038/s...
Zhou, Z, G. Zhuang, S. Mao, J. Liu, X. Li, Q. Liu, G. Song, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, A. Montgomery, S. Joye and G. Yang, Methanol concentrations and biological methanol consumption in the northwest Pacific ...
Cao, A., J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, G. Cui, Z. Liu, Y. Li and Q. Liu, 2023: Dissolved rare earth elements in the Northwest Pacific: sources, water mass tracing, and cross‐shelf fluxes, Frontiers in ...
Wu, Y., X. Gao, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, F. Xu, G. Zhang and Z. Chen, 2023: Characteristics and Emissions of Isoprene and other Non-methane Hydrocarbons in the Northwest Pacific Ocean and Responses ...
Zhang, R., S. Sun, Z. Chen*, H. Yang and L. Wu, 2023: On the decadal and multi-decadal variability of the Agulhas Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(4), 1011-1024.
Liu, Z., X. Xing, Z. Chen, S. Lu, X. Wu, H. Li, C. Zhang, L. Cheng, Z. Li, C. Sun, J. Xu, D. Chen and F. Chai, Twenty years of ocean observations with China Argo, 2023: Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 42(2)...
Zhang, R., S. Sun*, Z. Chen*, H. Yang and L. Wu, 2023: Rapid 21st century weakening of the Agulhas Current in a warming climate, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102070. https://doi.org/10.102...
Lin, X., L. Hu, Z. Chen and Y. Dong, 2023: Thermal heterogeneity is an important factor for maintaining the genetic differentiation pattern of the pelagic barnacle Lepas anatifera in the northwest Pac...
Yang, H., C. Yang, Y. Liu and Z. Chen, 2023: Energetics during eddy shedding in the Gulf of Mexico, Ocean Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-023-01538-y.
Yan, S., X. Li, F. Xu, H. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, G. Yang, G. Zhuang and Z. Chen, 2023: High-resolution distribution and emission of dimethyl sulfide and its relationship with pCO2 in the Northwest ...
Jing, Z., S. Wang, L. Wu, H. Wang, S. Zhou, B. Sun, Z. Chen, X. Ma, B. Gan, and H. Yang,2023: Geostrophic flows control future changes of oceanic eastern boundary upwelling. Nature Climate Change, htt...
Sun, X., Z. Chen*, C. Zhang, and S. Meng 2023: Latitudinal-dependent emergence of phytoplankton seasonal blooms in the Kuroshio Extension, Frontiers in Marine Science,10:1027710. doi: 10.3389/fmars.20...
Wang, Y., Z. Xu, Q. Li, Z. Chen, J. You, B. Yin and R. Robertson, 2023: Observed internal tides in the deep northwestern Pacific by argo floats, Deep Sea Research: Part II, 207, 105248.
Du, T., Z. Jing, L. Wu, H. Wang, Z. Chen, X. Ma, B. Gan and H. Yang, 2022: Growth of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Resources under Greenhouse Warming Regulated by Oceanic Eddies, 13, 7249,https://d...
Yang, H., R. Zhu, Z. Chen*, J. Li and L. Wu, Temperature variability and eddy-flow interaction in the south of Oyashio Extension, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2022JC019051. https://d...
Ge, T., C. Luo, P. Ren, H. Zhang, D. Fan, H. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Zhang and X. Wang, Stable carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon in the western North Pacific Ocean: Proxy for water mixing and dy...
Guo, H., M. Spall, J. Pedlosky and Z. Chen, A Three-Dimensional Inertial Model for Coastal Upwelling Along Western Boundaries, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(10), 2431–2444.
Li, Q., Z. Chen*, S. Guan, H. Yang, Z. Jing, Y. Liu, B. Sun and L. Wu, Enhanced Near-Inertial Waves and Turbulent Diapycnal Mixing Observed in a Cold- and Warm-Core Eddy in the Kuroshio Extension Regi...
汪明星,常津铖,任翀,陈朝晖*,万米AUV下潜深度估算研究,海洋技术学报,2022, 41(3):56-65.
Li, Y., X. Ma, T. Tang, F. Zha, Z. Chen*, H. Liu* and L. Sun, 2022: High-efficient built-in wave energy harvesting technology: From laboratory to open ocean test, Applied Energy, 322, 119498, https://...
Ge, T., C. Luo, P. Ren, H. Zhang, H. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Zhang and X. Wang, 2022: Dissolved organic carbon along a meridional transect in the western North Pacific Ocean: Distribution, variation and con...
Wang, S., Z. Jing, L. Wu, H. Wang, J. Shi, Z. Chen, X. Ma, B. Gan, H. Yang and X. Liu, 2022: Changing Ocean Seasonal Cycle Escalates Destructive Marine Heatwaves in a Warming Climate. Environmental Re...
李琦,陈朝晖*,基于ADCP回声的黑潮-亲潮混合区浮游动物昼夜垂直迁移研究,海洋与湖沼,2022, 53(2):305-319.
Guo, H., Z. Chen*, J. Wang and H. Yang, 2022: Opposite responses of sea level variations to ENSO in the Northwestern Pacific: A transition latitude at 20°N. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 98, 10...
Ge, T., C. Luo, P. Ren, H. Zhang, Z. Chen, S. Sun, L. Xu and X. Wang, Decadal variations in radiocarbon in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) along a transect in the western North Pacific Ocean, Journal...
Cheng, T., Z. Chen*, J. Li, X. Ma, Q. Wen and L. Wu, 2022: Surface Wave Height Regulated by Ocean Currents: An Observational Perspective, Deep Sea Research: Part I, 179, 103666.
Gao, Z., Z. Chen*, X. Huang, H. Yang, Z. Zhao, C. Ren and L. Wu, 2021: Internal Wave Imprints on Deep Ocean Temperature Change as Revealed by Rapid-Sampling Profiling Floats, Journal of Geophysical Re...
Li, H., J. Xuan, C. Wang, Z. Chen, G. Gregori, Y. Zhao, and W. Zhang, 2021: Summertime tintinnid community in the surface waters across the North Pacific Transition Zone, Frontiers in Microbiology.
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Song, D., Z. Chen, J. Fu, X. Wang, W. Jiang and J. Wu, 2021: Novel Underwater Glider-Based Absolute Oceanic Current Observation Solutions, IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(6), 8045-8054, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.202...
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Zhu, R., Chen, Z.*, Zhang, Z., Yang, H. & Wu, L. (2021). Subthermocline eddies in the Kuroshio Extension region observed by mooring arrays. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(2), 439–455.
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Jing Z., S. Wang, L. Wu, P. Chang, Q. Zhang, B. Sun, X. Ma, B. Qiu, J. Small, F. Jin, Z. Chen, B. Gan, Y. Yang, H. Yang and X. Wan, 2020: Maintenance of Midlatitude Oceanic Fronts by Mesoscale Eddies,...
Sun, B., Chen, Z.*, Wang, B., & Wu, L. (2020). Seasonal variation of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation in regional model: Role of open boundary conditions. Ocean Modelling, 145, 101528.
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